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Birds/ Wildlife in Uttarakhand

enjoy wildlife in the scenic beauty of Uttarakhand

Crish Alubm 2012 - 59.jpg

We go looking at all the wonderful wild behaviours interspersed with colourful nature, each nurturing the other. Questioning the behaviours we try to understand how the wild is eco friendly.

Jungle camp outs, cycles chasing the birds, nocturnal expeditions, pop casting of pugmarks, sunrise bird trek, listen outs for distant calls, nights in Machaans, festival of butterflies, deep silences broken by the owl hoots. And various other wild dreams.

Wildlife Adventure in Uttarakhand

Wildrift’s wildlife safari is about the discovery of the magical natural world of animals birds and jungles.

Wild Safaris

Wild Safari 1

(3-5 days)

Wild Safari 2:

Saat tal and Mukteshwar
(4 days)

Wild Safari 3

Ramganga Beach Camp
Camp Shaama (7 days)

Or Customized wildlife stays

at Camp Kyari, Syat for groups of 5 or more.

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